Simplifying D-013 Inactive Well Inspections: How Muddy Boots is Revolutionizing Compliance

Managing compliance with Alberta’s D-013 Inactive Well Inspection regulation can be a complex and time-consuming process. At Muddy Boots, we understand the challenges oil and gas companies face and have developed innovative software enhancements to make compliance simpler, more intuitive, and more efficient.

Here’s how we’ve made managing D-013 inspections easier:

Streamlined Data Import and Scheduling

  • Bulk Import Tools: Easily upload your well list with our bulk import tool.
  • Simplified Scheduling: Our team uses a bulk import functionality to efficiently schedule your initial D-013 Inactive Well Inspections for you.

Automatic AER Data Integration and Alerts

  • Monthly Updates: Muddy Boots automatically retrieves and updates data from the AER Inactive Well Licence List each month, to help you ensure your inspection schedules remain current.
  • Built-In Alerts: Our system compares your inspection schedules to the AER data (risk classes, types, and dates) and generates actionable alerts, such as:
    • Missing or duplicate UWIs
    • Forecasted inactive wells (upcoming within 90 days)
    • Scheduling recommendations for wells without an existing inspection schedule in Muddy Boots
    • Optimization opportunities to avoid over-inspection
    • Non-compliance notifications

Easy-to-Resolve Alerts

  • Alerts in Muddy Boots come with quick links, allowing you to resolve issues and adjust your schedules easily.

Intuitive Inspection Documentation

  • Mobile-Friendly App: Field staff or service providers can record inspections directly in mbo-Go, our mobile app. Whether online or offline, all data syncs automatically when an internet connection is available.
  • In-App D-013 Forms: Our purpose-built inspection form ensures that all regulatory requirements are met and documented.
  • Corrective Action Tracking: If issues are identified during an inspection, they can be reviewed, scheduled, and tracked in Muddy Boots, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Your Compliance, Simplified

With these powerful enhancements, Muddy Boots takes the guesswork out of D-013 Inactive Well Inspections. Our software is designed to make compliance easy, efficient, and intuitive –
so you can focus on running your operations with confidence.

Ready to streamline your D-013 compliance?

Contact us today to see how Muddy Boots can help!